Climate change, rising interest rates, war, spy balloons… In these times of uncertainty, how do organisations take care of their most important asset: people?

Under pressure, people revert to type. Flight or fight? When the cards are down, you see people’s true colours.

In the face of uncertainty, what are your true colours?

If you’re a leader running or owning a business, how do your true colours shape your culture? What does teamwork look like? What type of organisation are you overseeing? How would you describe the employee experience?

All these things are within your control. They don’t just “happen”; they are a direct consequence of leadership behaviour. So how does your behaviour affect the working environment of your colleagues and business performance?


Read the full article on HR Leader.

Claire Gallagher is Employer Branding Director at Principals 

Contact us to learn how Principals can make your brand a force for positive change.
